Firefighter Support council PAC 

an initiative of the VF2024 PAC political organization 

The Firefighter Support Council is an initiative of the VF2024 PAC, a non-party political organization(not a charity) established and regulated under section 527 of the IRS tax code. Americans need to push for the election of Candidates that support the efforts of our Firefighters and share the same agenda.

The Firefighter Support Council is committed to advancing the working conditions of Volunteer Firefighters by improving public opinion and promoting the election of politicians that support our nation’s Volunteer Firefighters.

The dedicated volunteers of volunteer fire departments are some of the finest men and women among us. They serve for one purpose: To risk their lives to save others. Whether the emergency is a house fire, car accident or a catastrophic attack on American soil, Volunteer firefighters readily sacrifice their own well-being to secure the safety of others. Unfortunately, these brave public servants are often left out of our political process which has left volunteer departments underfunded, undermanned and under-appreciated.

For too long fire departments have not been given the proper attention they need from our elected officials which has lead to widespread issues in the firefighting profession. 

With the continued support of good people like you, together we can push for better legislation to make our communities safer and to help the brave men & women.


We need to educate legislators and candidates on the range of issues facing Firefighters.

Below is a list of some of those issues that need to be addressed by our elected officials.

We ask that you please help Advocate for the following:

H.R. 7069: Peer Support for Firefighters Act

Introduced:Jan 22, 2024 (118th Congress, 2023–2025)

Sponsor:Rep. Andrea Salinas [D-OR6]

H.R. 1235: Federal Firefighter Pay Equity Act

Introduced:Feb 28, 2023 (118th Congress, 2023–2025)

Sponsor:Rep. Gerald Connolly [D-VA11]

S. 3221: Wildland Firefighter Fair Pay Act

Introduced:Nov 2, 2023 (118th Congress, 2023–2025)

Sponsor:Sen. Alejandro “Alex” Padilla [D-CA]

To reach our goals we need your help

Help us Make a Difference, Register to Vote, Write your Elected Official, or Volunteer

Contact Us

VF2024 Pac

Firefighter Support Council 

5801 Leesburg Pike #1163

Falls Church, VA 22041 

We apologize if you have been inconvenienced by one of our political calls.  Our organization strives to be legally compliant.

​We maintain an in-house Do-Not-Call list and will gladly add any name to it that has been submitted.

Below are some excerpts from the FTC & FCC website for your reference.

FTC - Do Not Call Registry

There are some exemptions to the Do Not Call rules. Because of the limits to FTC’s authority, the Registry does not apply to political calls

National DNC Registry Rules

While the National Do Not Call (DNC) Registry prohibits sales calls without consent, calls that are not considered “telephone solicitation” such as political calls and charitable calls are allowed without consent.

This advice is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice.


As a 527 Political Organization we do not give money to candidates or politicians, nor do we coordinate in any way with them as that would be a violation of Federal Law.

As a 527 Political Organization we do not give money or directly support firefighters or fire departments because we are not a charity.

As a 527 Political Organization we do advocate for the collective needs of our nation's firefighters by informing voters of these needs and asking them to take action.